8-Bit Sequence

Faran 2007
26 min readAug 26, 2020


Sequence 1, Act 2. You Know Before School

© Copyright 2020 Muhammad Faran Aiki.
All Rights Reserved.
© <References>

## Author : Muhammad Faran Aiki [13]
## Editor : -
## Trans. : -
## Version : 1.0
## Date : 20/08/2020–25/08/2020
## Series : 8-Bit Sequence
## Sequence : 1, Wake Up in Somewhere Else.
## Act : 2, You Know Before School.
## Set : 2
## Arc : Moon-Key
## Type : Dialog-Novel
## Language : English
## Synopsis : “After I play UNO, I went to the school. It’s nice there. “

// Comment down below if this story is better than the previous act
// Or worse than the previous act

< Moon-Key Continue >

[ Prolog ]

??? (0) : “ ‘Why didn’t I ask her name? ‘, because if you do that, she won’t listen. “
??? (0) : “Asking your name is an exception, since you will always know your name in every possibilities. “
??? (0) : “Asking ‘defined as’ is prohibited, too. “
??? (0) : “They won’t listen. “
??? (0) : “… “
??? (0) : “Prolog is not funny if it’s only 4 dialogs long. “
??? (0) : “So I decided to add a new system for you. “
??? (0) : “An achievement. “
??? (0) : “Good luck. “
??? (0) : “… “
??? (0) : “Oh. “
??? (0) : “I think I can do it again. “
??? (0) : “By the way. “
??? (0) : “Be careful. “

[ You Know Before School ]

Sekan : What is that?
Sekan : I can’t ask someone’s name?
Sekan : Is that a rule or something?
Sekan : That sound pop up in my head like someone is saying it.
Sekan : I guess I’m just overthinking it, I think.
Sekan : But, achievement?
Sekan : Is that trying to imitate ‘Clannad’ or something?
Sekan : Or is this a game?
>>> Achievement, achieved: Reference
Sekan : And, something called ‘prolog’?
Sekan : Prolog belongs to a story that is written.
Sekan : If that so, I can conclude that my story is written in prolog, log, epilog model.
>>> Library, added: My story is written in dialog, prolog, epilog
>>> Achievement, achieved: Library user
Sekan : That means my story has a genre!
Sekan : And if I reference something that will be a reference to a something that is in the prolog, log, epilog?
Sekan : I hope my story doesn’t get a copyrighted.
Sekan : That’s bad.
??? : “Hey hey, why don’t you join us, Reizouko? “
Wi : “We alre- “
??? : “Then let’s restart with Reizouko! “
Reizouko : “I’m the dealer. So I can’t play “
Sekan : Oh yeah, The dealer is the first player.
Wi : “UNO does not need any dealer that can’t play. “
Reizouko : “Then I’m the card. “
Sekan : “UNO does not need any card that can’t play. “
Sekan : “… “
Wi : “… “
Sekan : Wi, are you trying to confuse me?
*??? ‘s face turned into a confused face
Sekan : “UNO does not need any human as card. That’s what I meant. “
Sekan : I successfully made an excuse.
Wi : “Are you sure that is what you actually mean? “
Sekan : “Cih, he noticed. “
Sekan : Task failed successfully.
*Reizouko flatly replied
Reizouko : “Ok then, let me join you guys. “
??? : “Yey, four players! “
Sekan : Stop acting like a child.
Wi : “Now confirmed, that there are four players. “
Wi : “On the second announcement, let’s start the game! “
*Sekan is looking at the clock
Sekan : It’s 16.10.
Sekan : So, this is my first playing game in this world.

// For those of you who don’t know UNO
// You must match either the number or the color
// There are special cards, reverse, skip, ? or wild, 2+, 4+
// Wild, 2+, 4+ does not need to match the previous card
// …
// For wild, it does not need to match the previous card and then you can select a color
// For 2+, the next player get 2 cards and then get skipped and act like a wild card
// For 4+, same like 2+ but 4 card
// But this UNO adds a new feature called ‘switch card’
// Switch card can switch ALL the remaining card for one person to one person
// Ex. A -> 1R S, B -> RB RG RR …, A used switch then: A -> RB RG RR …, B -> 1R
// And this UNO is limited only 1–5 numbers
// …
// The card is represented as <number><initial-color>
// Ex. 1R, 5G
// Numbers: 1–5, Skip = K, Reverse = R, Switch = S
// Colors: Red = R, Green = G, Blue = B, Yellow = Y
// Specials: Wild = W, 2+, 4+

— — Game: Play UNO #1, 4 players — -

Sekan : No matter if you lose, or win.
Sekan : Don’t give up!
Sekan : Hehe, that’s my motivation.
Wi : “Then-then, I will draw the cards. I will be the dealer, so I’m the first player. “
Wi : “Seven cards each person. “
Wi : “We will use the standard rules. You know the rules, right? No word manipulating. “
Wi : “Which mean if someone draws a 2+ or 4+, you can’t counter it. “
*Wi shuffled the card randomly
*Wi draws cards for all player
Sekan : Thanks to what I ‘defined as’, my cards are ….
*Sekan’s cards are: 1R 4+ 4+ 2+ S S W
>>> Achievement, achieved: Play a game
Sekan : It’s likely to be a curse for them, and for me too.
Sekan : This is absolutely cheating.
Wi : “Clockwise or counter clockwise? “
// So in here (act 2 and beyond)
// There is a new system, called ‘option’
// Starting point is pinned by ‘:’
// ‘:normal’ means turn into the main story
// ‘:goto XXXX’ means skip or go to the XXXX option
// Oh yeah, it’s like a batch programming language
// And if by the way this story only has one route (like novel, anime, .etc)
// Then the first route is just an imaginary/thinking of the main protagonist
Sekan : “Clockwise. “
Wi : “So, here is the sequence: Wi, Sekan, Reizouko, Sekan’s girlfriend. “
Sekan : What, you don’t say her name?
*Sekan whispers to Wi
Sekan : “Hey Wi, do you know her name? I forgot. “
*Wi whispers back to Sekan
Wi : “I support you both, that’s why. “
Sekan : That is really nonsense.
Wi : “I want you to remember her name, so you can have a character development! “
Sekan : “Dude, I really forgot her name. “
Wi : “Don’t call me dude, call me bro. “
Sekan : “No, that is disgusting. “
Wi : “I thought you are joking. But still, if you forgot about that then that is your problem, not mine. “
Sekan : “… “
*???’s blushes
??? : “Aw Wi, don’t call me Sekan’s girlfriend! “
Sekan : “Yeah, that’s stupid. “
*???’s face turned into a cute angry face
Sekan : Do you by any chance know that I don’t know her name?
Sekan : Are you, really D.A. Truthful?
Sekan : Or because of that, you can tell what I’m going on?
Sekan : That is beyond a joker!
Wi : “Then-then, let me draw the first card. “
*Wi draws the first card
Sekan : It’s a RB card.
:goto normal 1
:counter clockwise
Sekan : “Counter clockwise. “
Wi : “So, here is the sequence: Wi, Sekan’s girlfriend, Reizouko, Sekan. “
Sekan : What, you don’t say her name?
*Sekan whispers to Wi
Sekan : “Hey Wi, do you know her name? I forgot. “
*Wi whispers back to Sekan
Wi : “I support you both, that’s why. “
Sekan : Huh?
Wi : “Don’t forget to buy a big bed. “
Sekan : “No. “
Wi : “And a camera”
Sekan : “Of course, no. “
Wi : “And then a vib- “
Sekan : “Just shut up, pervwi. “
Sekan : Wait, so you can do that ‘thing’ in this world?
Sekan : That’s nice!
Wi : “I see, that’s my new name! “
Wi : “Pervwi! “
Sekan : “… “
Sekan : That is really nonsense.
Sekan : You are really out of your mind.
Wi : “I want you to remember her name, so you can have a character development! “
Sekan : “Dude, I really forgot her name. “
Wi : “Don’t call me dude, call me bro. “
Sekan : “No, that is disgusting. “
Wi : “I thought you are joking. But still, if you forgot about that then that is your problem, not mine. “
Sekan : “… “
*???’s blushes
??? : “Aw Wi, don’t call me Sekan’s girlfriend! “
Sekan : “Yeah, that’s stupid. “
*???’s face turned into a cute angry face
Sekan : Do you by any chance know that I don’t know her name?
Sekan : Are you really D.A. Truthful?
Sekan : Or because of that, you can tell what I’m going on?
Sekan : That is beyond a joker!
Wi : “Then-then, let me draw the first card. “
*Wi draws the first card
Sekan : It’s a 1B card.
:normal 1
*Wi’s face turned into a troll face
Wi : “Too bad Sekan, you chose the wrong option. “
*Sekan’s face turned into a little bit angry face
Sekan : “Cih. You obviously cheating aren’t you? “
Wi : “Well-well, A proof is beyond a statement. “
*Sekan’s face turned into a little annoyed face
Sekan : “… “
Wi : “So, the sequence is: Wi, Sekan’s girlfriend, Reizouko, Sekan. “
*???’s blushes again
??? : “Aw Wi, don’t call me Sekan’s girlfriend again! I’m not prepared for that! “
Sekan : Well, prepare it.
Wi : “I’m calling that because you are perfect for each other. “
*???’s blushes again
??? : “Eh, ah, … “
Sekan : Huh, what the heck?
Sekan : Should I even care?
Wi : “This is my turn. “
*Wi places a 1G card
Wi : “It’s your turn. “
*??? places a 5G card
*Reizouko places a RG card
Reizouko : “Too bad for you Sekan, you have a real bad luck. “
Sekan : Yeah, you two are cheating.
Sekan : This is REALLY boring. Like Reizouko’s face.
Sekan : “Yeah, since I’m the D.A. Joker. “
*??? places a RR card
??? : “Reizouko, it’s your turn again. “
*Reizouko places a SR card
Sekan : Wha-
Sekan : “Are you kidding me? “
Reizouko : “No, I’m not. “
Sekan : This girl is …
*Wi places a 3R card
Wi : “Now, it’s your turn. “
Sekan : I have an idea.
Sekan : “My turn? “
Wi : “Not you, but it’s her turn. “
Sekan : “Who is ‘her’ that you are talking about? I lose focus since I don’t play at all. “
??? : “It’s m-”
Sekan : “I’m asking Wi, not you. “
Wi : “It’s Reizouko. “
Sekan : Oh so her name is ….
Sekan : What?
Reizouko : “Not my turn. “
Reizouko : “It’s M- “
Sekan : A little hint? Her name starts with the letter M?
Sekan : Or is Reizouko says ‘me’?
Sekan : Maybe to troll me, since she is really annoying.
Wi : “Is that necessary that you are asking, Sekan? “
Sekan : Well, you are not necessary to live, so you can die and say goodbye.
Sekan : No, just say bad bye.
*???’s face turned into a cute angry face
??? : “Geez. “
*??? places a RR card.
Sekan : Just how many RR cards do you have?
Wi : “Well, it’s my turn now. “
Sekan : I hope it’s not a skip card!
*Wi places a 4+ card
Wi : “It’s blue. “
Sekan : Yes, thank you Wi. My hope is now fulfilled.
Sekan : My hope is fulfilled with despair.
*Sekan takes 4 card in order: 3R 1B SY 5Y
Sekan : “Thanks for the card, Wi! “
Wi : “You are always welcomed. “
Sekan : Wi, Reizouko. I have revenge for you guys later on.
Sekan : Just wait a damn minutes later!
Sekan : So, now my cards are ….
*Sekan’s cards are: 1R 4+ 4+ 2+ S S W 3R 1B SY 5Y
Sekan : “… “
Sekan : “… “
Sekan : This is boring.
Sekan : Maybe because I lose?
Sekan : “Can I leave? “
Wi : “No, you can’t. “
??? : “Of course you can’t, Sekan! “
Reizouko : “You can only if you are the winner. But you are loser, so no. “
Sekan : Now, I’m a hypocrite. Saying that sentence before I start playing this game.
Sekan : “… “
Sekan : This is stretching me out. I really hate losing.
Sekan : Ah man, this feels boring.
Sekan : Why every time I hear ‘let the fun start’ and in-other-translation it will become a boring and stressful event?
Sekan : I hope no more genre added to my ‘simulation’ life. I already had enough.
*7 minutes later
Sekan : “Argh, I lose. “
Sekan : So joker got ‘joked’ by himself.
Sekan : What is happening here?
Wi : “Of course you lose, since you still have 7 cards left. “
Wi : “You don’t like playing with probability also known as gambling? “
Sekan : “Look, I’m not Jabami Yumeko! “
Wi : “But-”
Sekan : “Yeah I know that, she likes it because it has danger impact on her. “
>>> Achievement, achieved: Losing
Sekan : Since that guy said something about achievement.
Sekan : I guess I achieved ‘losing’.
Sekan : “Damn it. I swear I will beat you guys! “

— — Result: ???, Wi, Reizouko, Sekan is the order of winner, Sekan loses because he is noob — -

*Wi’s & ???’s face turned into a surprised face
*Reizouko’s face turned into a little bit surprised face
Wi : “Did you, just swear? “
Sekan : “Huh? “
Wi : “Did you forgot what you learn in school? “
Reizouko : “He is defined as D.A. Forgetful. “
Sekan : I’m D.A. Joker, not that thing.
Sekan : Just shut up, Reizouko.
Sekan : “… “
Sekan : School?
Sekan : Wait, there’s school?
>>> Library, added: School
Sekan : Now, another genre added to my genre list.
Sekan : Called ‘nightmare’.
Sekan : “Yes I forgot about that. “
Wi : “In the Rules of Speech, Special Word [2] : 3, ‘A swear will always be it’s reverse.’. “
*Sekan’s face turned into a very little bit confused face
Sekan : What is that book?
Sekan : Out of nowhere, you reference a book?
Sekan : A holy book or something?
Sekan : Since the D.A. Truthful says that, maybe I should believe in him.
Sekan : Maybe a guidance to this world? Amazing!
Wi : “But in the Rules of Exception, The Joker [1] : 1, it says reverse any rules! “
Wi : “Which mean if you swear, it will become true! “
Sekan : I guess that is a holy book.
Sekan : “Well, isn’t that cool? “
Wi : “Yes, but thinking and acting is considered as a speech! “
Wi : “Which mean, if you are thinking to joke with a word ‘swear’ it will be dangerous! “
*Sekan’s face turned into a little confused and little shocked face
Sekan : “So, at least if you can cancel it then no problem. “
Wi : “Yes, but that’s not the case. Look at the Rules of Speech, Special Word [2] : 4!”
*Sekan’s face turned into a very confused and shocked face
Sekan : “Yeah, so is that wrong to your or something? “
Wi : “Well, definitely I hate losing so that’s why. “
Wi : “Or maybe you prepare something, to defeat me in chess! “
Sekan : I don’t care about that.
Reizouko : “Swear just to defeat someone, that’s really a loser. “
*Sekan’s face turned into a little annoyed face
Sekan : Shut up, Reizouko.
Sekan : “… “
Sekan : “… “
*Sekan’s face turned into a panic face
Sekan : Wait.
Sekan : Wait a second.
Sekan : Wait just a millisecond.
Sekan : “What? “
Sekan : “How can I did not know that? “
Sekan : “You are not joking, aren’t you? “
Wi : “No-no, I will not joke in this situation. “
>>> Library, added: ‘A swear will always be executed, and it’s reversed’ in RoS [2] : 3
>>> Library, added: Joker reverses any rule in RoE [1] : 1
>>> Library, added: Thinking will apply too in RoS [2] : 2
Sekan : Who exactly are you?
Sekan : How do you know my-
??? (?) : “Test voice 1, test voice 2. “
??? (?) : “Do you hear me? “
Sekan : No, I’m not.
Sekan : Don’t pop up in my head.
??? (?) : “That can’t be helped. “
Sekan : “… “
??? (?) : “From your question. “
??? (?) : “He is Wi Atakawa, D.A. Truthful. “
??? (?) : “He is truthful, he can hear someone’s mind speech. “
??? (?) : “Basically, he knows everything other than me, you and the manipulator”
??? (?) : “Oh, who am I? I’m not your enemy. “
??? (?) : “I’m Lapiz Lazuli, a guy and D.A. Codebreaker. “
Lapiz : “Save that to your stupid library. “
Lapiz : “Don’t act stupid. “
Lapiz : “Just calm down first. “
Lapiz : “I need you to find the D.A. Manipulator, since she is missing and caused a problem. “
Lapiz : “Oh, she is a girl. So, you can eliminate the guy from the list. “
Lapiz : “I know you got an amnesia or something like that, but please try to remember what is happening. “
Lapiz : “I can only communicate with you only if- “
>>> Library, added: A person named Lapiz Lazuli, he is not my enemy
>>> Library, added: Lapiz Lazuli is D.A. Codebreaker
>>> Library, added: D.A. Manipulator is missing, she is a girl
>>> Library, added: Sekan got amnesia
>>> Library, confirmed: Wi’s full name is Wi Atakawa
Sekan : Lost connection?
Sekan : Welp, wait…
Sekan : If I reread my dialog, I will get confused as fuck!
Sekan : That escalated WAY TOO QUICKLY!
Sekan : “… “
Sekan : So I got amnesia.
Sekan : What is even enemy, D.A. Codebreaker, D.A. Manipulator, and library that he is talking about?
Sekan : Oh wait, library is my definition of information gathered.
Sekan : I need to focus more.
Sekan : “… “
Sekan : I think this needs a long progress. I can’t make a shortcut.
??? : “Sekan, are you okay? “
Wi : “It seems that you are terrified by something. “
Sekan : “Yeah I’m ok. I just need some rest because of a special event. “
Wi : “Don’t forget, tomorrow we have a math lesson and a rules lesson. “
Sekan : After a nightmare, a nightmare comes again.
Sekan : How do you prevent that!?
Sekan : “… “
Sekan : By I-do-not-care it.
Sekan : “… “
Sekan : Maybe I will get a little hint by going to school.
Sekan : “I’m going to my bedroom. “
Sekan : I need to think what I should do.
*Sekan leave the others
*Sekan opens the game room, Square One Octagon door
*Sekan left the game room, Square One Octagon
*Sekan closes the game room, Square One Octagon door
*Sekan walks to his bedroom
*Sekan opens his bedroom door
*Sekan enter his bedroom
*Sekan closes his bedroom door
*Sekan hops on his bed
Sekan : “If what Wi said is true. “
*Sekan closes his eyes
Sekan : “Then maybe, I will somehow kill her. “
Sekan : “But that’s not what I want. “
*Sekan is thinking
Sekan : What happens if I kill someone?
Sekan : Is there any trial or something?
Sekan : I don’t really care about that girl much, but ….
Sekan : Killing someone, and of course someone who likes ‘me’ is just too cruel.
Sekan : That would be beyond a top ten most anime betrayal.
*Sekan calmly opens his eyes
*Sekan looks at the clock
Sekan : Oh, it’s 19.30.
Sekan : “What? “
Sekan : Did I time leap or something.
Sekan : Oh wow, I have a proof that I’m sleeping right here!
Sekan : “… “
Sekan : Why now, I need to go to the bathroom again.
Sekan : I even didn’t eat or drink something!
Sekan : Are there going to be a new cliche scene again?
Sekan : I don’t hope so.
Sekan : “… “
Sekan : Whoever writes my story, or this ‘simulation’ world thank you for being such a pathetic loser.
*Sekan opens the bedroom door
*Sekan left the bedroom
*Sekan closes the bedroom door
*Sekan calmly walks to the bathroom
*Sekan looks at ??? (4)
Sekan : “Oh, Hi. “
*Sekan is inspecting at ??? (4)
Sekan : This guy has a black brown hair, brown eyes and tall between 174 centimeters to 176 centimeters.
Sekan : This guy wears a silver shirt and a black pants.
Sekan : “Hello? “
Sekan : “… “
Sekan : “Uhmm.. Why are you copying my movement? “
*Sekan touches the ??? (4)
Sekan : Oh crap, this is a mirror!
Sekan : It’s hard to see in the dark, that’s why I don’t notice that there is a mirror!
>>> Achievement, achieved: Being an idiot
>>> Library, confirmed: My body and my face
*Sekan opens the bathroom door
*Sekan turns on the bathroom lamp
*Sekan enters the bathroom
*Sekan closes the bathroom door
*Sekan locks the bathroom door
Sekan : I don’t have to poop, I just need to pee.
*Sekan finishes his toilet time
*Sekan opens the bathroom door
*Sekan turns off the bathroom lamp
*Sekan left the bathroom
*Sekan closes the bathroom door
??? & Sekan : “Oh, Hi. “
Sekan : “What are you doing here? “
??? : “I just want to see your face. “
Sekan : Oh yeah, when I look at the mirror this body’s face looks handsome!
Sekan : If she likes me because of my body.
Sekan : Then that is not a love, isn’t it?
Sekan : That is a lust.
Sekan : It is worst.
Sekan : “… “
??? : “Can you please head to the outside, there is something I want to talk about. “
Sekan : I have a bad feeling for this.
Sekan : Is this actually that girl?
Sekan : I can tell by their emotion and their movement.
*Sekan & ??? are both going outside
Sekan : Maybe she wants to talk about what she wants to talk about before.
Sekan : “Oh yeah the sky is beautiful. “
Sekan : “Not like what happens to myself. “
??? : “… “
??? : “Ah, that’s correct. “
*???’s face turned into a flat face
??? : “That’s correct. “
??? : “That’s correct. “
??? : “That’s correct. “
??? : “That’s correct. “
*Sekan’s face turned into a little shocked and a confused face
Sekan : The accent is definitely different from before.
Sekan : But I think I can ask her name from someone else. Someone who controls that body!
Sekan : “For the joke purposes, what is your name? “
??? : “For the joke purposes, eh. “
Sekan : “… “
*??? [??? (?)] laughs like a maniac
??? [??? (?)] : “Aha! “
??? [??? (?)] : “Is that your greatest excuses? “
??? [??? (?)] : “That’s a bullshit crap! Even a pig can do 10 billion percent better than that. “
*Sekan’s face turned into a terrified and a shocked face
??? [??? (?)] : “Didn’t I tell you? Don’t ask this body user’s name. “
??? [??? (?)] : “If you do that, then I will manipulate everyone to think that you killed her. “
??? [??? (?)] : “Why don’t you look at the mirror again? “
??? [??? (?)] : “And ask where is the bathroom and then being a clumsy again? “
??? [??? (?)] : “That is the curse of D.A. Joker”
*??? [??? (?)] laughs like a maniac again
??? [??? (?)] : “Ahahahhahahahahhaa. “
??? [??? (?)] : “Surprised? I know you aren’t. “
??? [??? (?)] : “Oops, you can’t say anything? “
??? [??? (?)] : “Or, even thinking? “
??? [??? (?)] : “Even your dialog got cutted off! “
*??? [??? (?)] laughs like a manic, thrice
??? [??? (?)] : “Ahahahahahhahahahahha. “
??? [??? (?)] : “Oh, why? “
??? [??? (?)] : “Because I’m the D.A. Manipulator! “
??? [??? (?)] : “Well-well, now I’m talking like Wi. “
??? [??? (?)] : “Hey little bird pervert, now I’m going to my bedroom. “
??? [??? (?)] : “Talking to D.A. Joker makes me sick. “
??? [??? (?)] : “Hey hey, Reizouko is cute, right? “
??? [??? (?)] : “Fighting is not allowed! “
??? [??? (?)] : “Save that to your stupid library! “
??? [??? (?)] : “… “
??? [??? (?)] : “This girl, is cute too, right? “
*??? [??? (?)] closes her eyes using her left hand
??? [??? (?)] : “Very-very bad, you swore to kill her. “
??? [??? (?)] : “Ah, talking to you make me bored. “
??? [??? (?)] : “Bad bye! “
*Sekan is breathing heavily
Sekan : Ah …
Sekan : I need to calm.
Sekan : ‘Bad bye’?
Sekan : Wow, now I can think.
Sekan : Is that ‘Heartseed’?
Sekan : Or is that Monika?
Sekan : “… “
Sekan : That person is insane.
Sekan : After that, now this? What is going to happen next time? Everyone got murdered or something?
Sekan : This is rather a hell than a normal world for me.
Sekan : “… “
Sekan : Even D.A. Manipulator can manipulate everyone, huh?
>>> Library, added: D.A. Manipulator can manipulate everyone
>>> Library, added: Supernatural is just like a food in this world
??? : “Uhm, Sekan …. “
??? : “Sekan, where am I? “
Sekan : “I follow you here since you sleepwalking. “
??? : “Oh no, that is bad. “
Sekan : “Then go to your bedroom. “
*??? walks to her bedroom
Sekan : She is gone.
Sekan : “… “
Sekan : I probably should go to my bedroom, too.
*Sekan walks to his bedroom
*Sekan opens the bedroom door
*Sekan enter the bedroom
*Sekan closes the bedroom door
*Sekan hops on his bed
*Sekan looks at the clock
Sekan : It’s 19.40.
Sekan : “… “
Sekan : Tomorrow, there is a school.
Sekan : I must act normal.
Sekan : “… “
Sekan : Well, maybe because of some crazy thing happen.
Sekan : Now I’m used to it.
*Sekan closes his eyes and then sleep
*11 and half hours later
*Sekan wakes up
Sekan : I need to prepare for my school.
*Sekan prepares for his school
Sekan : I just need notebook and a pencil case.
*Sekan grabs his pencil case and notebook
*Sekan goes outside
*Sekan meets Wi & ???
Sekan : “Hi, both of you. “
Wi : “Yo Sekan. “
??? : “Hi Sekan. “
*Sekan looks at the sky
Sekan : Wait, what is that?
Sekan : “Wait is there a meteor? “
Sekan : That is meteor!
Sekan : “Look up there! “
Wi : “Even before you go to school you joke with your classmate, eh? “
*??? little bit laughs
Sekan : Her laughs is different than that D.A. Manipulator.
Sekan : “… “
Sekan : Wait, don’t tell me is that a sun?
Sekan : Oh, so sun exist here too.
Sekan : I don’t get an achievement again do I?
Sekan : I hope I don’t.
>>> Achievement, achieved: Being an idiot twice
Sekan : “… “
Sekan : Hmm…., I think I know this scene, and I think I reference something.
Sekan : A game that reference so many things.
Sekan : A game about bullying a cat, wait isn’t the cat the part of the main character?
Sekan : A cat that does not have elg, lag, lug, gel, OH MY GOD what is called?
Sekan : “… “
Sekan : Ah yeah, a cat that does not have a leg.
Sekan : It’s about a battle.
Sekan : I wonder what is that.
Wi : “Come on Sekan, you don’t wanna be late. “
Sekan : Yes, that’s true.
*Sekan, ??? & Wi walks to the school
Sekan : “Hey, we arrive at the school! “
Wi : “Yeah-yeah, I know that. “
??? : “Yep. “
*Sekan opens the school door
*Sekan, ??? & Wi enter the school
*Wi closes the school door
Sekan : One room.
Sekan : That is very nice.
*Sekan inspect ??? (5)
Sekan : Is this the teacher? He has a dark blue hair, dark blue eyes and tall between 186 centimeters to 188 centimeters.
Sekan : He is wearing dark blue jacket with light blue shirt and dark blue pants. His body is muscular.
??? (5) : “Oh you are here. “
Wi : “Ah, teacher. Good morning. “
??? (5) : “Oh you are here. “
>>> Library, added: The teacher has a dark blue hair
Sekan : It’s useless to repeat.
??? : “Good morning, teacher. “
??? (5) : “Oh you are here. “
Sekan : Is it really that hard to not repeat?
Sekan : “… “
Sekan : “Hi, teacher. “
??? (5) : “… “
Sekan : “… “
Sekan : Sometimes, discrimination is real.
Sekan : We should avoid doing that.
Sekan : Why in the world I must be the joker?
Sekan : That sucks.
??? (5) : “Where is Kura? “
Sekan : Kura? A new character?
>>> Library, added: A person named Kura
Wi : “Oh, Reizouko? She tells me that sh- “
Sekan : Reizouko? Crap, I made a wrong assumption!
>>> Library, confirmed: Reizouko Kura is her full name
Sekan : “She said that she is lazy to go to school. “
Sekan : “And she said that she doesn’t want to go t- “
*Out of nowhere, Reizouko punches Sekan’s back
Reizouko : “Don’t listen to him, Nise-sensei. “
Reizouko : “I’m late because there is something I need to do. “
*Sekan’s face turned into a pain face
Sekan : “That is really hurt you idiot! “
*Reizouko’s face turned into a little bit angry face
Reizouko : “The idiot one here is you, Se-baka-n. “
*Sekan’s face turned into an angry face
Sekan : “Just shut up, Refrigerator. “
Nise : “Fighting is not good, if you fight then I will fight you first! Fighting leads to war! If you want to fight then fight me first! “
Sekan : “… “
Sekan : Yeah yeah, whatever.
Sekan : Nise? Sensei? Are you using Japanese honorific or something?
Sekan : Great.
>>> Library, confirmed: Nise is my teacher
>>> Library, fixed: There is no other person called Kura else than Reizouko
Nise : “Since everyone from Student B is here, let’s start the second semester! “
*Sekan’s face turned into a confused face
Sekan : What? Now a discrimination again? What is even ‘Student B’?
Sekan : “… “
Sekan : Second semester? Well I guess something happens before I exist.
*Nise’s finger pointing at ???
Nise : “You! “
Nise : “You sit beside Sekan! “
Sekan : Why is everyone bullying me?
Sekan : Can you guys please misspoke and then tell me that girl’s name!?
Sekan : Are they an ally to D.A. Manipulator or something?
Nise : “And Reizouko! “
Reizouko : “Yes? “
Nise : “You sit beside Wi! “
Wi : “Yo Reizouko. “
Reizouko : “Hi. “
Sekan : “Nise, can you- “
*Nise’s face turned into a little bit angry face
Nise : “Hah? “
Nise : “Call, me, TEACHER! “
Sekan : Is that necessary?
*Sekan’s face turned into a confused face
Sekan : “Hey teacher, since from your statement our position is ambiguous, can you tell me the order? “
Nise : “Fine. “
Nise : “So, from left to right, the order is: Sekan- “
Reizouko : “Did you mean our left or your left? “
Sekan : “Our left? But I’m facing your opposite. “
Nise : “My left, of course. “
Reizouko : “Then the order from your right to your left is? “
Nise : “Is Wi, Reizouko- “
Reizouko : “Okay, we get it. “
Sekan : I should have sworn to kill that damn refrigerator, not that girl.
Nise : “You know right, today we have a MATH LESSON! “
Sekan : Ah.
Sekan : ‘F’ in ‘math’ means freedom.
Nise : “So, we are going to learn algebra. “
Sekan : ‘A’ in ‘math’ means anxiety.
Nise : “Okay, so a + a = 2a, a * a = a2 and a — a = 0, basically the same variable means you can add and subtract it, except if it’s a multiplication or divide then the power must add or subtract depending the power of another variable. “
Sekan : ‘T’ in ‘math’ means too hard.
Sekan : Wait, did I hear algebra?
Sekan : “… “
Sekan : I thought I must learn Calculus 100!
Sekan : “… “
Sekan : Wait, is that even exist?
Sekan : “… “
Sekan : “… “
Nise : “SEKAN! Question for you since you are bored! What is the limit a -> 1 of (a2–1)/(a — 1)? “
> Meanwhile in Nise’s perspective
Nisa : Haha, I know you can’t do it.
Nisa : Since you are an idiot.
> Meanwhile in Sekan’s perspective
Sekan : Wow great, from algebra skipping to limit.
Sekan : “Teacher, that’s limit not algebr-. “
> Meanwhile in Nise’s perspective
Nise : Wait, he knows?
Nise : “I DON’T CARE! You must answer teacher’s question otherwise you will get executed! “
> Meanwhile in Sekan’s perspective
Sekan : Just execute me if you can.
*??? whispers to Sekan
??? : “I don’t even know the answer. “
??? : “I ask Reizouko and she said that she does not know the answer too. “
*Sekan whispers to ???
Sekan : “Don’t worry, I know the answer. “
Sekan : “Teacher. “
Nise : “Yeah, you know the answer right? “
Sekan : It’s easy it’s just a simple question.
Sekan : “I’m lazy. “
Nise : “Oh, are you trying to get executed? “
Sekan : “I’m lazy, that’s why I use L’Hopital. “
Nise : “… “
Sekan : “The answer is 2. “
Nise : “… “
*Nise’s face turned into a proud face
Nise : “Good job. How do you know that? You guys never learn that before. “
*??? is amazed
*Wi is a little bit amazed
*Reizouko is not amazed at all
Sekan : “I’m trying to flex, that’s why. “
*Sekan’s face turned into a confused face and a surprised face
Sekan : Wait, how do I know the answer?
Sekan : If I got amnesia, I should not know the answer.
>>> Library, fixed: I didn’t get amnesia.
*Sekan’s face turned into a troll face
Sekan : “Hehe, I’m smarter than you, teacher. “
*Nise’s face turned into an angry face
Nise : “WHAT!!”
Sekan : “Just kidding. “
*Nise’s face turned into a hopeless face
Nise : “You must be the real joker. “
*Sekan’s face turned into a little bit smile face
Sekan : “You are not wrong. “
Reizouko : “Yeah he is, that’s why he sucks. “
*Sekan’s face turned into an angry face
Sekan : “Oh really? Just shut up flat-chested refrigerator. “
Sekan : “I’m having a good time, so just shut up. “
Reizouko : “… “
*Reizouko’s face turned into a little bit sad face
Reizouko : “You don’t need to be so rude at me. “
*Sekan’s face turned into an apology face
Sekan : “I’m sorry, it’s because you are really annoying. “
Nise : “Hmmm… You guys really don’t get along. “
*Nise whispers to Sekan
*Nise is trying to act like a teacher
Nise : “Hey Sekan, just control your emotion! “
*Sekan whispers back to Nise
*Sekan’s face turned into a sad face
Sekan : Something is forcing me to do it, that’s why I got emotional.
Sekan : “I can’t. It’s like something is forcing me to do it. “
Nise : “Do you mean the reversed of the reversed curse from Reizouko? “
Sekan : Wha-at?
Sekan : Reversed of reversed curse from Reizouko?
Sekan : Is that even exist?
Sekan : “… “

[ Achievement Summary ]

1. Achievement, achieved: Reference
2. Achievement, achieved: Library user
3. Achievement, achieved: Play a game
4. Achievement, achieved: Losing
5. Achievement, achieved: Being an idiot
6. Achievement, achieved: Being an idiot twice

[ Library Summary ]

1. Library, added: My story is written in dialog, prolog, epilog
2. Library, added: School
3. Library, added: ‘A swear will always be executed, and it’s reversed’ in RoS [2] : 3
4. Library, added: Joker reverses any rule in RoE [1] : 1
5. Library, added: Thinking will apply too in RoS [2] : 2
6. Library, added: A person named Lapiz Lazuli, he is not my enemy
7. Library, added: Lapiz Lazuli is D.A. Codebreaker
8. Library, added: D.A. Manipulator is missing, she is a girl
9. Library, added: Sekan got amnesia
10. Library, confirmed: Wi’s full name is Wi Atakawa
11. Library, confirmed: My body and my face
12. Library, added: D.A. Manipulator can manipulate everyone
13. Library, added: Supernatural is just like a food in this world
14. Library, added: The teacher has a dark blue hair
15. Library, added: A person named Kura
16. Library, confirmed: Reizouko Kura is her full name
17. Library, confirmed: Nise is my teacher
18. Library, fixed: There is no other person called Kura else than Reizouko
19. Library, fixed: I didn’t get amnesia.

[ Epilog ]

??? (0) : “I’m bored. “
??? (0) : “So, there’s no epilog here. “
??? (0) : “… “
??? (0) : “… “
??? (0) : “If you are bored, you must do something! “
??? (0) : “Me? Geez, well-well, I don’t have something to do. “
??? (0) : “Yeah I don’t have any. “
??? (0) : “I’m just relaxing here. “

// I’m sorry if there is a typo, bad grammar, bad spelling or something like that since I’m not really fluent at English
// You can comment down below, or criticize something
// Oh yeah I use ‘Dialog-Novel’ because it’s easier to make a visual novel one if I need too
// Well, maybe this story is a bad story, because there is no editor, except if you criticize it maybe I will fix it somehow

